As you know Oscar turns seven this week and we have been celebrating all things Oscar. What you may not know is that he is the whole reason behind the ' birth ' (#seewhatididthere) of Incy.
We sat down with Kristy Withers, the lady behind Incy ( and my big sister ) and chatted.
Can you take us back to the start of the Incy story? How did it begin?
The Incy story began around 5 years ago when I was hunting down a ‘big boy’ bed for Oscar. I was working for eBay and travelling regularly seeing all of these amazing products available in Europe and the US. My heart was set on a dark brown steel bed but I could not find it here in Australia. After exhausting all options and my husband's ability to listen to " the need for a children's furniture brand " Incy was born.
What has been the biggest lesson you have learnt over the last 5 years?
Some days it's ok to have a cry, drink some wine and start again tomorrow
How has your birth order/characteristics of siblings affected you?
I'm the oldest so obviously I'm the best...
Speaking of family how do you feel about working with all 3 of your siblings? ( Yes you should feel obligated to say nice things )
I love it! I wish mum and dad had more kids. We definitely had our issues in the beginning but we have had 3 and a half years to sort them out. You don't have to fluff around family as much and can be more to the point.
If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to?
Not Kristy! Something exotic that can't be easily confused for another name like Kirsty.
I can see you as a Lucia or CC but feel like an exotic name needs a better dancing ability! Ive seen you dance and think it's best you stick to designing furniture.
For all things 'Kristy' related follow her on instagram @incy_interiors.