Rock around the cot with our newest collaboration

Rock around the cot with our newest collaboration

As I am sure you're all well aware by now, Incy Interiors has recently teamed up with Hobbe to design a contemporarily delicious rocking chair!

Here at Incy, we pride ourselves on our stylish children’s furniture and feel like we have enabled youngsters to enjoy the luxury of modern trends that are usually only left for the parents to relish. Hobbe is not only a good friend of the Incy Team, but a market leader in the baby rocking chair industry and so it was only logic for a collaboration that lead to the creation of one of the most glamourous, yet functional rocking chairs available.

Earlier this month, Incy and Hobbe teamed up again for a photoshoot that really let the Rocker shine. Styled by the talented Corina Koch and perfectly captured by renowned interior photographer Pablo Martin, the timeless piece radiates excellence in the pictures which are now featured on both the Incy and Hobbe websites. The Incy x Hobbe Rocker which is available in Indigo and Blush were featured in a divine colour schemed set that not only showed the beauty and sophistication of the chair, but its capacity to sit well as an iconic piece out of the nursery when the time comes.

Both the indigo and blush Rockers are featured alongside our Ellie Cot, sitting perfectly together with their matching rose gold finishes. The elegantly themed set lets the tapered rose gold legs of the Rocker really pop, which is the deifying element of the chair.

Inspired by traditional Italian design principles, but not being restricted to any one style, the Incy x Hobbe Rocker is an insanely beautiful piece of furniture for anyone that appreciates the unconventional.

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