Three steps for Cot to Bed success!

Three steps for Cot to Bed success!

There are many challenges that come with the title of ‘Mum’ and a lot of these revolve around sleep (or a lack thereof). Whether you’re up all night overthinking for the rest of your family or you’ve been woken up at 3am because (God forbid) someone’s sock’s fallen off, one thing we can all agree on is that a solid nights slumber within the early years of motherhood are few and far between.

We noted two major stages that forfeited one’s sleep during the introductory period of mum life:

  1. Midnight feeds (which unfortunately is part of the fine print of the motherhood contract)
  2. Trying to transition your little one from their cot to their big kid bed

After failing to work out a way to get back all the hours of lost sleep, we weren’t going to let you follow in our footsteps of continuing to single handedly keep the concealer industry alive in an attempt to cover the growing under eye bags that come with the second notorious stage of sleep deprivation. We instead, came up with a product dubbed (by us) ‘the saving grace of cot to bed transitions’ and it’s taken the form of Toddler Bed Conversion Kits. These Conversion Kits have seen many a babe go from cot to bed without a hitch – and by hitch, we of course mean without waking up eleventy hundred times a night scared and confused, because they haven’t had the chance to make the transition gradually.

Change is daunting for anyone, but it’s easy to overlook how much this is amplified when you’ve only had two or three years of life experience. We know all kids are different and some may well thrive in the overnight change from cot to bed, but in our humble opinion, a gradual ease into such transitions carries with it a pretty impressive success rate (but more importantly, one that will see you looking like you actually know what sleep is)

Let us explain, in three simple, life changing steps, how we have (ever so modestly) nailed the gradual cot to bed transition.

1. The process starts with the addition of 1x Incy Interiors Ellie Cot (this foolproof method will work with any of our metal cots but Ellie was available so will be stepping in as today’s model). Ellie is in fact, our most popular cot – a title we attribute to that rose gold shine our customers can’t seem to get enough. Shadowing this is the fact that she has two handy mattress heights which you’ll acquaint yourself with as your babe goes from a newborn to that inevitable stage where they work out how to pull themselves up. Perhaps the most handy feature of all though, is the one you won’t need to familiarise yourself with until your babe hits about 3 years old. We will divulge more in step 2.

2. Now that you’ve passed level one and collected enough eye bags to progress, you may enter this next phase and unlock the hidden feature of your Ellie Cot. The reward for your hard work (and lost sleep) doesn’t look much, but those two sneaky extra little holes perched discreetly on the cot ends are the key to regaining your life back (or some sleep at least). This feature allows you to attach the aforementioned Toddler Bed Conversion Kit and thus, as the name would insinuate, convert your Ellie Cot into the cutest of rose gold Toddler Beds. With the cot in tow, all that is required is for the mattress height to be on the lowest setting (which you did back in step one – ten points to you), and the addition of our Ellie Conversion Kit. By removing one side of the cot and replacing it with said Conversion Kit, you have ensured yourself more time to enjoy Ellie and her rose gold wonderfulness AND allowed your babe the best chance of transitioning into their big bed by giving them the freedom of an open side, all while maintaining the familiarity of their original cot.

3. You’ve made it. The hard work it done, and congratulations is in order because… it’s finally bedtime! (Don’t get too excited, you can’t actually sleep just yet, but it is time to buy a bed and that’s pretty close). Digressing back to earlier in the piece and our acknowledgment of change in the eyes of your little one, the introduction of our conveniently matching rose gold Eden Bed is what is going to make this transition the very opposite of daunting. Our Eden Bed (our best-selling bed, surprise surprise) represents several things. Good taste, obviously, but replacing your Ellie Toddler Bed with the same coloured, same style of big kid bed continues to add to the all important sense of comfort and familiarity. Our Eden Bed is available in SingleKing SingleDouble and Queen size and given your little one has already had a couple of years getting used to the open side of their toddler bed, the size of bed you opt for is purely up to the players discretion.

*All of our metal cots (IvyHenryOscar) have matching conversion kits and matching beds so these three stages can be completed in any colourway you wish.

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