Sophie Guidolin's Incy Cot Charity Auction

Sophie Guidolin's Incy Cot Charity Auction

My Incy Cot Charity Auction goes live on the 9th of November, 12PM.

Click here to access the auction on the 9th.

After the girl's big girl room reveal my first instinct was to give away the things we no longer required to help others in some way.

The last 'big' thing to say goodbye to were their precious INCY cots.
P.S. Who else saw that Serena Williams has the EXACT same cot too!?

The girls' rose gold Incy cots were the highlight of their nursery - I LOVED them, and still do.
I have been contacted numerous times about these beautiful cots so I pray they go to a loving family.

If I was going to give these away, I wanted any proceeds made to go directly to a foundation that was passionate about caring for babies.

The 17th of November is World Prematurity Day.

I feel incredibly blessed, and grateful that my pregnancy with Evie and Aria was smooth.
Whilst I brought two perfectly healthy babies into the world our time spent in special care in hospital saw a lot of women who were not as lucky as I.

I also follow an amazing mama, Uncanny Annie whose baby twins arrived into the world at only 27 weeks old.
With a massive journey ahead in and out of hospital, this is the reality that many mums and dads are faced with - whilst trying to care for other children and work too.

I hope through this auction; to raise awareness on the prevalence of premature babies. I also want to send a heartfelt message to any parents experiencing this.
All of the profits made for the auction of both cots will go back to the Miracle Babies Foundation. These profits will support the incredible work they do.

When I learned that around 48,000 babies require some sort of care in either the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit or Special Care Nursery EVERY YEAR, I felt drawn to Miracle Babies.
Thinking of it now, I am overwhelmed with empathy for these babies, and so thankful to have FOUR strong kids.

The AUCTION for the INCY ROSE GOLD ELLIE COTS will go live on Thursday, the 9th of November.

Each cot will be auctioned separately, you are able to purchase and donate if desired, every cent will be donated to the Miracle Babies Foundation.
For any of you planning or thinking of taking part... THANK YOU for supporting my goal to give back, and taking the time to read about Miracle Babies.

Sophie xx

About Miracle Babies:

Miracle Babies Foundation is Australia’s leading organisation supporting premature and sick newborns, their families and the hospitals that care for them.

Every year in Australia around 48,000 newborn babies require the help of a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) or Special Care Nursery (SCN). 27,000 of these babies are born premature and up to 1,000 babies lose their fight for life.

For families, the experience of having a baby come into the world not as expected or planned is life changing.
Without support, this overwhelming and traumatic experience can have lifelong effects on the emotional wellbeing of these miracle families. It affects the entire family unit.

Since 2005, Miracle Babies Foundation has been passionate in developing and providing vital programs and resources to support and enhance a family’s experience from a threatened pregnancy, hospital journey with a premature or sick newborn, the transition to home and beyond.

Australia is home to 23 state of the art intensive care units designed to meet the critical needs of our earliest and sickest babies. Working with health professionals on the joint agenda of better outcomes for families, Miracle Babies provides informative education and insight on a family’s experience and funding for equipment, resources and research.



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